Grindr has partnered with Ex-human to create the apps first AI generated ‘Wingman’. This newly expected feature of the LGBTQI+...
As Artificial Intelligence becomes more superior, so too do deepfakes and imitation technology. Recently, Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and...
AIs which train on large datasets alongside other AIs are increasingly producing behaviours unintelligible to humans. There is a growing...
A recent campaign by the Liberals has seen Queensland Premier Steven Miles depicted through AI on Tiktok. While this has...
Taylor Swift searches were blocked on X after sexually explicit deep fakes of her proliferated all over social media including...
Yesterday, the Federal government has released an interim response about the safe and responsible use of artificial intelligence. AI is...
This week the extraordinary firing and re-hiring of Open AI CEO Sam Altman brought to the public’s attention the tensions...
Artificial Intelligence is taking the creative sector by storm, but not always in a good way.An AI training dataset called...
A new Artificial Intelligence technology is already helping health workers across Australia to assess which rehab programs are the best...
While some may believe more immediate issues such as cost of living crisis and climate change need more emphasis rather...