For many Aussie renters the situation has not been easy with skyrocketing prices and a tightening rental market..
Yesterday, members from the Anti-Poverty Network SA assembled outside Adelaide’s Parliament House to launch their third annual survey of low-income renters, amid the state’s deepening rental crisis.
The report, ‘I’m Scared Of My Next Rent Increase’, highlights a dire snapshot from 301 low-income renters, mostly from SA. The survey indicates 80 percent of low-income renters are experiencing rental stress, spending more than 30 percent of income on rent.
This comes as the South Australian government introduced a number of rental reforms to Parliament.
While some say the reforms could be a step in the right direction, others say they would not be enough to relieve the immediate impacts of the rental emergency, calling for more drastic measures to address rental affordability.
Image: Image by Emma Wotzke
Produced By: Emma Wotzke
Featured In Story: Dan – “rental refugee”, Pas Forgione Anti Poverty Network Coordinator, Angela, low-income renter on DSP, and
First aired on The Wire, Thursday 9 November 2023