A successful community event for the Portuguese community was held on Saturday 18 March.
This event resulted from a recent partnership between the Consulate of Portugal in Queensland, Metro South Health, Multilink Community Services, PICAC (ECCQ) and the Brisbane Portuguese Family Centre.
Information was provided for people 55+ on health, palliative care and ageing services available in Australia, including My Aged Care, both in English and in Portuguese via an interpreter.
Key speakers for the event included:
- Professor Elizabeth Reymond (Metro South Health)
- Ana Sas (Multilink Community Services)
- Mohamed Dhaqane (Services Australia)
Brisbane City Council, CO AS IT, and Metro South Health provided additional activities and resources on healthy activities and ageing.
Thirty community people from Brisbane and the Gold Coast attended the event which was held at the Brisbane Portuguese Family Centre in Ellengrove.
The community were appreciative of the information provided.
For further information regarding this event, please contact Lorella Piazzetta at [email protected].
By Loretta Piazzetta