Hello and welcome to your German speaking radio down under!
We are broadcasting 3 times a week on Radio 4EB 98.1FM with a broad diversity of programs and announcers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Interviews from and about the German-speaking community in Australia, music, current affairs and news, information and event tips around Brisbane define our programs. Hoer zu – mach mit!
Hallo und Willkommen bei Deinem deutschsprachigen Radio down under!
3x wöchentlich gibt es das Programm der German Language Group auf Radio 4EB 98.1FM mit Moderatoren aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
Deutschsprachige Musik, Interviews aus und ueber die deutschsprachige Community in Australien, aktuellen Themen und Nachrichten, Informationen und Veranstaltungstipps rund um Brisbane sind bei unseren Sendungen im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes “Programm”. Hör zu – mach mit!
Program Information
1st and 5th Saturday
die Schweizerstunde (the Swiss hour)
This program covers mainly customs and traditions from Switzerland, current news relevant for the Swiss community in South East Queensland, and events of the Swiss club in Brisbane. The music is a variety of traditional, yodel, classic, pop & rock, the latest Swiss music and even Swiss rap songs.
2nd Saturday
Music Treasures – From Past to Present
Music treasures – German Songs from the past to the present of classic, folk and pop. Plus Deutsche Welle Themen: Who, where and what – general knowledge of German land, culture & people. And local reports & interviews here and from Germany.
3rd Saturday
Katharinas Kult2Tour
Infotainment, German news and coverage of the German community in and around Brisbane, documentaries and interviews, spiced up with iconic hits of the German culture from past till present, with all the things you didn’t know you want to know.
4th Saturday
Hallo, Gruess Gott und Willkommen – Oesterreichisches Programm
Important and not so important, theme-focused news and entertainment from Austria and the World, inclusive humor, horoscope, classics and music.