Cocoon SDA Homes are committed to providing person-centred accommodation and support to people with disability.
Of over 400,000 Australians living with disability on an individual NDIS plan approximately 28,000 are eligible to live in Specialist Disability Accommodation. An approved Specialist Disability Accommodation and Services Provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Cocoon SDA Homes currently have homes available right across SEQ from Macgregor, Logan, Ipswich & Mt Gravatt to Southport and Gympie. Keep an eye on current listings here: and contact us to found out more 1800 262 666 / [email protected]
With a particular focus on those from culturally and linguistically diverse communities who are participants of the NDIS, Cocoon SDA Homes operates under the knowledge that whilst recognising that the disability sector needs highly skilled people, it also needs compassionate, empathic, and heart-centred people. Cocoon SDA Homes are determined to see each of their participants live confident, dignified, and independent lives within a happy, healthy, and safe home environment.