My name is Ka Chun Lau, and you can call me Michael. I came from Hong Kong in 2000. I am now working as a project manager in the Triple P International Pty Ltd, which helps people enhancing their parenting skills.

I started as a broadcaster and got my panel license in the first year. Then, I joined the Chinese Group Committee in 2012, became a treasurer in 2014 and was elected to be one of the 4EB board directors in 2020.

I am involved in a program called Durian Club (Cantonese Youth Program) since 2011. Now in both FM (8-9 pm Sat) & Digital (9 pm-11 pm Sat).

Former program convenor Luna Ho invited me to join the Durian Club program. There was a period of broadcasters’ shortage. As radio is a critical thing of my childhood and something I am interested in, I accepted the invitation once I became a broadcaster.

The best piece of advice I have ever received is “attention to detail”. It is an essential skill if you want to make things perfect. It is not only applicable at work but daily life. It is a skill to show you care. You put your effort and focus on the things that you do. For example, you can easily miss a button that may cause problems during the “on-air” lights on.

I like Cantonese Pop: especially the 90s and 2000s Cantonese pop songs, which I can remember most of the lyrics. In addition, I love my hometown language and songs, which touches and sync with my life experiences and feelings.

Best place to travel? I like Hong Kong. My birthplace, childhood, friends and most of my family are there. It is a place I love and would want to spend time on. It is my stopover place whenever I have a chance to travel outside Australia.

The greatest challenge I’ve faced over the last month is trying to get some sleep, as my newborn son was born in late Feb this year. Now I have to take care of two kids (the elder kid is five years old) with my wife. Luckily I got my parents-in-law here to share some home duties :p.

I want to share what radio means to me. It started in the early morning after I moved house in Year 3 and began the 1 hour travelling trip to school by a school bus in HK. The listening (travelling) time kept extending as more people moved in, and I was the first to get in and the last to get out of the bus. The driver kept the radio on when I stepped up the stairs, and It was when I first listened to morning and afternoon shows from Monday to Friday for three years. I am enjoying it even though I may not understand all the content. These program contents are very different and inclusive. It includes news reviews, group discussions, jokes, music, people stories etc. Radio was the second knowledge sources place. I kept listening to different radio shows even during my school holidays. I listen to radio shows (HK and/or Aussie) nowadays.

A hobby that makes me lose all track of time is online boardgames. I had a period when I joined many online board games and spent much time with them. I enjoy playing strategy games rather than playing with luck.

While I drive or walk, I think most about solutions. Sometimes it is about my daily job. Sometimes it is about my other businesses. I like thinking out of the box and seeking alternatives or possibilities to make things work or improve.

Here’s the biggest challenge I’ve overcome so far: On the first day when I transitioned to my Year 10 high school class, it was also the same day I had to travel to the school’s outdoor education program with my classmates. I only “met” 2 classmates out of the 40s in the soccer teams once or twice beforehand. I learnt how to live and breathe farm life while to get known each other. It was one of the significant steps out of my comfort zone, gaining lots of great experiences and growth in those five weeks.

Travel is my favourite thing to do. It is always great for travelling and experiencing the local’s life. I like to travel with my wife around the world and travel in depth. We are not shopaholics but love to walk into local shops, and supermarkets and taste different restaurants. We prefer to spend one to two weeks exploring one city rather than 10 countries in 10 days. It was a delightful and memorable time on our trips, and looking forward to travelling again soon.