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Tenants Queensland

Tenants Queensland

Tenants Queensland (formerly Tenants’ Union of Queensland) was established in 1986 and seeks to represent the concerns of all Queensland tenants who live in rental accommodation, including caravan park and boarding house residents.

For many years Tenants Queensland has performed an important role for Queensland tenants; providing specialist advice services for tenants, advocating on behalf of tenants, and securing improvements to Queensland’s residential tenancy laws.

Our vision is a society where renting is a secure tenure and tenants can understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities under tenancy law.

We aim to improve conditions for residential tenants by assisting tenants to understand and exercise their legal rights and advocate their concerns.

Tenants Queensland provides a range of tenancy information and advocacy services including: a statewide telephone advice service for tenants, tenancy publications, a tenancy law training program, and tenancy law research and policy development.

Tenants Queensland operates a specialist legal service for tenancy law matters that is funded under the State and Commonwealth Community Legal Services Program.

If you or someone you know, are renting and experiencing domestic abuse, you can contact Tenants Queensland for advice about your situation on 1300 744 263.
Tenants Queensland also offer interpreter assistance, which can be requested at the time of your call.

Website: https://www.tenantsqld.org.au/translated-information 

Level 1,
87 Wickham Terrace,
Spring Hill 4000

Phone: 1300 744 263

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