Radio Jam

Our program is on every Monday and Thursday mornings from 9.00 to 10.00 am.

We wish to inform and entertain our listeners with the freshest, latest news from Queensland and Hungary, the enjoyable contemporary and retro music and interviews and jokes.

We are always on the look for new volunteers and ideas, so if you feel like joining an awesome team with your new creative inputs don’t hesitate to contact us. 

A 4EB Radio magyar adasanak uj programneve: Radio Jam

A Radio Jam hefto es csutortok reggelente 9.00-tol 10.00 oraig hallgathato a 4EB radio 98.1 hullamhosszan.

A musorban a legfrissebb queenslandi es magyarorszagi hireken es interjukon kivul a legjobb kortars es retro zenek hallhatok, valamint viccek es kabarek.

A magyar adas folyamatosan keres onkenteseket akik munkajukkal, uj otleteikkel segitenenek a musorkeszitesben.

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